James from Prince Edward County

I was working a contracting job for the power company, and they had promised to send a supervisor to the job. No one showed up. I was walking up a hill with a power saw, and fell into a hole while holding the power saw!

I damaged my hip bone and needed surgery, but I wasn’t able to get any benefits or coverage. The team I was with all covered for each other, and I was the odd man out because I spoke up about my injury. And boy, I was hurt. My medical bills were getting up to $10,000 and I have daughters to take care of, so I had to go back to work.

That’s when I decided to call Allen & Allen. I was familiar with the firm because they helped my daughter 10 years ago when she had a car accident, and they took care of her. So I was put in touch with the workers’ compensation team, and they were just wonderful. They told me to have patience, which I do have, because it may take a while. But they kept me on top of everything during the process. Candice did a great job of staying in touch – she called to check in, and sent the paperwork I needed. Jennifer always discussed my options with me. They do everything the right way, and they take good care of their clients.