Allen & Allen is partnering with Star Radio Group to collect new unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots in Fredericksburg & Stafford now through Friday December 4th.
Toys for Tots is a program directed by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. The purpose is to collect toys for underserved children throughout local communities all over America. Toys are collected by local businesses between October and the beginning of December and are distributed in mid to late December.
People are encouraged to donate new unwrapped toys for children up to 12 years of age. When considering what toys to purchase, it is recommended that donors consider what might be an appropriate gift for their own child/relative.
Those wishing to donate can visit our Fredericksburg office or our Garrisonville office. There will be collection bins in the lobbies of both offices.
Allen & Allen will make a formal presentation of the toys collected and a monetary donation to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation in December.
Learn more about Toys for Tots by visiting their local website.