Fredericksburg nursing home injuries lawyer

Fredericksburg nursing home injuries lawyer

We trust nursing homes to provide the best care to the elderly and people with disabilities. Unfortunately, these facilities can fall short in their duties, leading to severe injuries for residents.

If your loved one suffered harm from abuse or neglect in a place you trusted to keep them safe, you may have a case for compensation.

A Fredericksburg nursing home injuries lawyer from Allen & Allen can help you recover damages for your loved one’s suffering. Our experienced attorneys have a long history of favorable outcomes that help those harmed recover and move forward.

Schedule a free case evaluation online or at 866-388-1307 to learn how we are committed to making your fight our fight.

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Fredericksburg nursing home injuries guide

Why choose our nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers in Fredericksburg

Legal excellence for over a century.

The Allen Firm has a long history of advocating for clients in cases involving nursing home injuries, neglect, and abuse. Our successful approach to fighting for justice has helped us build a reputation of legal excellence in Virginia and beyond.

“I am Allen” is our mantra because we know that behind every case are real people with real suffering. Our lawyers take the time to get to know your needs and goals, providing individualized attention that helps you secure a favorable outcome.

Always treated with integrity, respect, and compassion, our clients are more than just a case number; they are a part of the Allen family. Whether injuries were caused by a flawed system, negligent staff, or abusive practices, we will not rest until justice is served.

Our convenient Fredericksburg location provides a safe and confidential space to discuss your case. If you can’t make it in person to see if you have a valid claim, don’t worry. Our experienced legal professionals can provide award-winning support online or by phone.

Fredericksburg, VA nursing home abuse statistics

Virginia nursing homes provide care to more than 35,000 elderly and disabled people. Nearly a third of them have been cited for deficiencies that have injured or harmed residents.

Data also suggests that most facilities in Virginia are or have been:

  • Struggling with staffing, leading to an increase in reports of abuse, neglect, and injury
  • Cited for violations of basic health and safety standards, such as inadequate training for staff or failure to properly care for residents
  • Improperly reporting incidents of abuse and neglect due to fear of negative publicity or legal action
  • Lacking the manpower to investigate and address complaints of abuse or neglect promptly

The prevalence of injuries caused by abuse and neglect in Virginia can’t be ignored. Seek justice and compensation for the harm suffered with the help of a Fredericksburg nursing home injuries attorney from Allen & Allen.

What are the signs of nursing home abuse and neglect?

It isn’t always easy to spot the signs of abuse or neglect that cause harm. However, there are some red flags that you can watch for when visiting your loved one in a nursing home:

  • Unexplained injuries such as bruises, cuts, or broken bones
  • Frequent infections or illnesses due to poor hygiene or lack of care
  • Dramatic weight loss or malnutrition
  • Bedsores (pressure ulcers), which can develop from extended periods spent in bed without proper repositioning and care
  • Changes in your loved one’s behavior, such as becoming withdrawn or unresponsive
  • Staff members refusing to allow visitors to see your loved one alone
  • Inconsistent or inadequate administration of medications

These signs can indicate one or more types of abuse or neglect, including but not limited to:

  • Physical abuse or neglect: Unexplained cuts, brushing, broken bones, or bed sores often indicate signs of physical abuse. Hitting, pushing, improper restraints, limited mobility assistance leading to slip-and-falls, or failure to provide necessary medical treatment can cause these signs.
  • Emotional abuse or neglect: Signs of this type of abuse typically include changes in your loved one’s behavior, especially around the perpetrator. The change may result from withholding social interaction, physically or verbally threatening residents, isolating actions, or derogatory statements.
  • Financial exploitation: Unexplained changes in your loved one’s financial situation or elopement can constitute a red flag for this type of abuse. It can also include fraud, stealing money or possessions, forcing them to sign documents they don’t understand, or misusing their finances.
  • Sexual abuse: Sexual contact with a resident may constitute abuse if it is non-consensual or occurs with someone lacking the cognitive abilities to give consent. Signs of this type of abuse may include unexplained bruises or injuries, STDs, or behavioral changes around certain staff.

Because your loved one may not have the capacity to speak for themselves, you must watch vigilantly if you suspect their injuries result from mistreatment.

If you have any concerns, contact a nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer in Fredericksburg to discuss your legal options.

What compensation can injured parties recover?

Allen & Allen has a long history of securing significant settlements and verdicts for those harmed in care facilities. In each case, we use strategies specifically tailored to meet the needs of our clients and hold abusers accountable.

Our goal is always to obtain maximum compensation for your loved one’s injuries, including:

  • Medical expenses: We can help you understand and document the full extent of your loved one’s injuries and pursue compensation for their medical bills, both past and future.
  • Pain and suffering: Nursing home abuse can cause physical pain, emotional trauma, or a combination of both. We will fight to ensure that your loved one is compensated for the harm they endured.
  • Out-of-pocket costs: Your loved one may incur additional expenses due to their injuries, such as transportation costs for medical appointments, moving to a new facility, or hiring in-home care. We can help recover these expenses on their behalf.
  • Financial losses: When exploitation occurs, we can pursue compensation for losing your loved one’s assets or income.
  • End-of-life costs: If tragic injuries result in the death of your loved one, we can help you recover compensation for end-of-life costs such as funeral or burial expenses.

Every case has specific circumstances that determine its value. To learn how much your case is worth, schedule a free case evaluation today with our compassionate Fredericksburg nursing home injuries lawyers.

Who pays for my injuries?
happy doctor and patient in a nursing home

Allen & Allen can help you investigate the circumstances of your loved one’s injuries to determine who you could hold responsible for their harm.

Possible parties that you could hold liable for compensation include:

  • The nursing home: If the facility fails to provide proper care or training, it could be held accountable for any resulting injuries. It may also be liable if it knowingly allows abusive or negligent staff members to work there.
  • Individual staff members: In cases where an employee directly caused harm to a resident, they may be held personally liable for the injuries.
  • Property owners: When the facility’s property owner or manager fails to ensure a safe environment for residents, they may be held responsible for any resulting injuries. This is common in cases involving slip-and-falls or trip-and-fall accidents.
  • Third parties: Outside contractors or vendors may sometimes be responsible for your loved one’s injuries. If someone else’s negligent actions caused harm, trust our firm to hold them accountable for the damages suffered.

Whether it’s an individual or an entity, our nursing home injury lawyers are ready to help you pursue the justice and compensation your loved ones deserve. We aren’t afraid to take on large corporations or insurance companies to help you recover the full extent of your damages and losses.

Are all nursing home injuries related to abuse or neglect?

Not all injuries result from mistreatment. However, take any injury that occurs in a nursing home setting seriously and ask a lawyer to investigate it.

Many factors can cause harm, including:

  • Negligent hiring or training practices: You may file a personal injury claim or lawsuit when a facility fails to properly screen and train its staff.
  • Hazardous conditions: Poor maintenance and faulty equipment can cause accident injuries. The facility has a responsibility to ensure the safety of its residents, and it may be held liable if it fails to do so.
  • Medical malpractice: Nursing home residents often have complex medical needs that require proper care and attention. If a staff member or healthcare provider fails to meet the standard of care and your loved one suffers harm, you can hold them liable for their actions.

Just because the injury may not be related to abuse or neglect, it does not mean that the facility bears no responsibility for your loved one’s well-being. Our team at Allen & Allen can thoroughly investigate your loved one’s injuries for grounds for a legal claim.

Fredericksburg nursing home abuse lawyer FAQs

How long does it take to receive compensation?

The case circumstances and the at-fault party’s willingness to negotiate often determine the length of time it takes to settle a case. Trust the personal injury attorneys at Allen & Allen to fight for a fair and expedited resolution of your nursing home injury case.

What if my loved one has a preexisting condition?

Even with a preexisting condition, your loved one may still be eligible for compensation if their injuries were worsened due to abuse or neglect. Our attorneys will thoroughly review all evidence to determine the extent of harm caused and how those factors may affect your compensation.

How much does it cost to hire a lawyer?

Allen & Allen works on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay no Up-Front costs for our award-winning legal services. We only collect payment for legal fees after we have helped you secure compensation for the harm you or your loved one has suffered.

What evidence do I need to support my case?

Strong evidence that supports your claim for compensation may include medical records, witness statements, photographs or videos of the injuries, and any other relevant documentation. Our experienced attorneys will help you gather evidence to support your personal injury claim or lawsuit.

When should I hire a lawyer?

Seek legal representation as soon as possible when you suspect abuse or neglect is the cause of the injuries. While the statute of limitations for these cases is two years from the date of the injury, waiting too long could further harm your loved one and make it more challenging to gather evidence or seek compensation.

Fredericksburg nursing home injury lawyers are ready to help you recover maximum compensation

Whether you or a loved one is suffering injuries caused by abuse, neglect, or other factors in a nursing home setting, our team at Allen & Allen is here to help. We understand the complexities of these cases and are dedicated to seeking justice with comprehensive and compassionate legal support.

To learn how we can help you, schedule a free case evaluation with a Fredericksburg personal injury lawyer online or by calling 866-388-1307.

Schedule a free consultation

Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen – Fredericksburg office

3504 Plank Rd
Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Phone:(540) 786-4100