
Derrick Walker Installed as VTLA President

The Allen Law Firm always looks forward to the annual Virginia Trial Lawyers Association (VTLA) convention. This year was especially meaningful as we celebrated shareholder Derrick Walker’s installment as the...

Courtney Winston named President of the Society of Women Trial Lawyers

We’re excited to announce that Courtney Winston has been named the new President of the Society of Women Trial Lawyers! Having served on the Society’s Advisory Board, Courtney brings a...

Elyse Stiner named to Influential Women of Law

The Allen Law Firm is thrilled to announce that attorney Elyse Stiner has been named to Virginia Lawyers Weekly’s 2025 class of Influential Women of Law. The Influential Women of...

Allen & Allen donates $15K to Legal Aid

Justice can only be served when every person has access to competent legal representation, regardless of income or social status. Allen & Allen shares this belief with Legal Aid, an...

Unexplained injuries in Henrico Doctors’ Hospital NICU: What families need to know

Recent developments at Henrico Doctors’ Hospital leave many families and community members with pressing questions and deep concerns. Several infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) were found with...

El viaje sobrio de Allen & Allen a casa

For the 11th year Allen & Allen has provided an incentive not to drink and drive on New Year’s Eve – a sober ride home. For NYE 2024 we are...

Laura McMillan nombrada heroína legal anónima

El bufete de abogados Allen se complace en anunciar que la directora de marketing Laura McMillan ha sido incluida en la lista de héroes legales anónimos de 2024 de Virginia Lawyers Weekly.

Dos abogados nombrados para la Élite Legal

La firma desea felicitar cálidamente a Kari La Fratta y James Kessel, quienes han sido incluidos en la lista de Legal Elite de 2024. El Colegio de Abogados de Virginia lanzó...