Halila is a graduating senior at Culpepper County High School.
Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means the absolute world to me, because I’ve been wanting to go to college for so long. I need this. I have no one to help me, so the fact that you want to help me is unbelievable. I’ve applied to over 30 local scholarships to help me achieve my dream.
Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: My grandfather, my papa. He’s not with us anymore, but he is the reason I am the person I am today. He has taught me everything and the reason I am where I am today.
Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I love swimming, playing softball, and geocaching.
Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: Virginia Commonwealth University.
Q:Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: I am going into pre-nursing for undergraduate and then want to attend nursing school.
Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: You are not your family’s name, you are your own person. You are capable of everything you put your mind to. Sometimes, you just have to keep pushing, no matter how much you want to cry on the floor, for whatever dream you want, and you’ll get there.
Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: Definitely outgoing! I am always there for someone, I’m talkative, and good with people.
Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Yes, definitely. When I was younger, we were comfortable financially. When I was 8 years old, we lost it all. It makes me realize how grateful I am for everything I have now. It’s changed my entire outlook on life.