2020 Scholarship Recipients

2020 Scholarship Recipients

Through its high school scholarship program, Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen celebrates the life of its founder George E. Allen, Sr. A native Virginian from Lunenburg County, George Allen overcame many challenges in his early life. He put himself through college and law school and went on to found Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen, one of the premier personal injury law firms in Virginia and in the country. In his honor, the firm awards 15 scholarships each year, in the amount of $2,000 each, to Virginia high school seniors who have overcome adversity and who show significant academic promise.

Congratulations to our 2020 George E. Allen Academic Scholarship recipients! We wish them all the best as they begin their college careers.

2020 Scholarship Recipients

Quincy Bradley

Quincy is a senior graduating from J.R. Tucker High School.

Q:What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means a lot to me. I was hoping to get an athletic scholarship, and it hasn’t happened yet, so this really helps with my financial situation.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: I would say my mom. Having to see everything she’s had to go through, us having to move from house to house, it has made me push harder in high school and will continue to push me through college and beyond.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A:I like to listen to music, play football, hike, be outside and in nature, spend time with family and friends, collect shoes, working out. I also like to write and read.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: East Carolina University.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: Most likely in business. I want to do real estate.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: Just try to stay positive. Even if it’s the worst of the worst, tough times don’t last, try to find the light in every situation. If you’re positive and religious, find the light and everything will turn out okay.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: I’m hardworking.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Yes, I really do. If I didn’t have anything like this happen in my life, I’d be different. I wouldn’t have as much life experience.

Sarah Byram

Sarah will be graduating from Western Albemarle High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: This scholarship means a lot to me because I’m the first in my family to go to college and it’s expensive, so this scholarship helps a lot and relieves a lot of the stress of debt and loans.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: Definitely my mom. She has been a single mom for most of my life, and she has been the strongest woman. She inspired me to be independent and go to college.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I like to go for hikes, kayak, anything outdoors. I like to read books and movies and be with friends, too.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: James Madison University.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: A Nurse. When I was in surgery, I had some amazing nurses that made the whole thing bearable, which inspired me to be a nurse.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: I would say just know that everything’s okay and happens for a reason. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s true, so keep a smile on your face and keep pushing through.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: Probably how caring and kind I am. I always put others before me.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Most definitely. What I went through helped me realize who I am and how strong I really am.

Hannah Ettinger

Hannah is a senior at Monacan High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: This means a lot. My mom was recently diagnosed with a disease, and I got into my top school, Clemson University. Because it is out-of-state and we , it means more tuition, so getting money is a huge deal for me.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: My parents. They have been so supportive of everything in my life. They were the ones that pushed me to be an EMT, apply to schools that I didn’t have the courage to, and many other things.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I’m a competitive swimmer at Monacan High School, I coach summer swim team, and volunteer as an EMT.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A:I’ve committed to Clemson!

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: I’m going to major in Physics in the PreMed track. I want to become an ER doctor.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: Don’t avoid opportunities because you don’t think you can do something. Always go for it and see what happens. You may find something you love that can lead you to a better future. Don’t let anything hold you back.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: My empathy. It has helped me get through and it helped me form stronger friendships. I’ve been able to connect with people I didn’t think possible.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle like you have has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: I think it definitely has changed me. I’m a strong believer in that. There is a reason for challenges; they bring me to better places. Even though the challenges were difficult to get through, they have gotten me to a great place.

Halila Faoud

Halila is a graduating senior at Culpepper County High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means the absolute world to me, because I’ve been wanting to go to college for so long. I need this. I have no one to help me, so the fact that you want to help me is unbelievable. I’ve applied to over 30 local scholarships to help me achieve my dream.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: My grandfather, my papa. He’s not with us anymore, but he is the reason I am the person I am today. He has taught me everything and the reason I am where I am today.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I love swimming, playing softball, and geocaching.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: Virginia Commonwealth University.

Q:Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: I am going into pre-nursing for undergraduate and then want to attend nursing school.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: You are not your family’s name, you are your own person. You are capable of everything you put your mind to. Sometimes, you just have to keep pushing, no matter how much you want to cry on the floor, for whatever dream you want, and you’ll get there.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: Definitely outgoing! I am always there for someone, I’m talkative, and good with people.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Yes, definitely. When I was younger, we were comfortable financially. When I was 8 years old, we lost it all. It makes me realize how grateful I am for everything I have now. It’s changed my entire outlook on life.

Manahal Fazal

Manahal is a graduating senior at Massaponax High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It really means that I was capable of getting something that was very difficult. The committee saw something in me. This means I now have something to take on. It’s an honor and it makes me more motivated to do better in college and then give more back more to the community.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: My grandpa. Since I was a child, he has always been a father figure to me. When I was in Pakistan I didn’t really live with my dad. He’s always been a hard worker and done a lot for our whole family. He’s always pushed me to do more and motivated me.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I love to hang out with my friends and watch TV. I also love to cook food, whether it’s Pakistani or Italian!

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: Georgetown University!

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: International Politics. I can work as a foreign service officer, but what I really want to go to law school.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: One thing I would say is that it does get better, just push through it. Have a good support system to talk to because that really does help.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: I would describe it as ambitious.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle like you have has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Yes, definitely. The obstacles have made me stronger and without them I would not be the same person. It taught me a lot and has given me life experiences that will serve me well. The challenges I have faced have led me to my goal of becoming a lawyer or being in politics.

Mindi Freed

Mindi is a senior at Stonewall Jackson High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: An opportunity to achieve my goals and dreams and carry out my passion of giving back to my community by serving others through my work and helping others help achieve their dreams.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: The most influential person has been my FFA advisor. She gave me the courage to keep going and follow my passion into agriculture and the dairy industry.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I like drawing and art, but agriculture is really my main hobby. I love working on the farm.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: Virginia Tech.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: I plan to double major in Food Science and Technology and Dairy Science. I always tell people my 10-15-year plan is to work with the USDA performing culture inspections and then work with the Dairy Alliance to spread awareness about agriculture and dairy industry. Afterwards, I want to become the National Secretary of Agriculture.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: I would tell them to find support and keep fighting. Find what inspires them and make sure they have strong backing and support, so they can go far. Just stick with it. If it’s where they’re supposed to be, they’ll get there.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: I think dedication. I tend to stick with one thing until I get it done.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle like you have has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Food & Dairy science caused the amputation of my fingertips. I learned about my passion, and what needs to change in terms of awareness, so that we have food on a daily basis. It changed my perspective on the industry as a whole. I’ve really learned how important agriculture is to everyone.

Roy 'Lahnam' Hoffert

Lanham is a senior at Matoaca High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: I don’t have to stress as much about financing my education, for one. It will help me a lot and hopefully, I can pay it forward one day.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: My grandfather. When he was young, his dad and his mother left him, and he was supposed to drop out of school. He was working full time around that age and he was able to pull himself and his family out of poverty. As his grandchild I have benefitted greatly from that.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I used to play videogames, but I’ve gotten into learning and I enjoy learning about anything. I’ve read a lot of book, both finance and math.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: Harvard!

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: Currently, I am thinking about Mathematics. I know it will be something STEM-related. My current idea is to get a PhD and pursue research.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: Don’t give up. When a challenge presents itself – we can’t control a lot of things like the socioeconomic conditions were born into – we can’t let that prevent us from being successful.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: I would say my curiosity.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Yes. Through working and trying to overcome, you learn a lot about yourself and the world and that how if you try, you will succeed. Succeeding doesn’t mean becoming a billionaire, you just need to be your best. You cannot compare yourself to how other people are doing; just do the best you can do.

Hanna Johnson

Hanna will graduate from Stonewall Jackson High School in the spring.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means a lot. For one, getting this scholarship means that I won’t have to be in debt for quite as long. it means that my grandfather won’t have to use as much of his retirement funds on my college expenses.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: My grandfather all the way.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: When I was working, I really didn’t have time for hobbies. But now that I have a little bit more time, I’ve really enjoyed reading a lot more. I also like to skateboard and paint when I have supplies and time.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: I have sent in my check to Virginia Commonwealth University to secure my spot!

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: I want to become a nurse. I have always been interested in the healthcare field, because I’ve cared for people since I was a child. But it really hit home for me after my brother came home after a serious car accident. I was caring for him and realized I want to take care of people at one of their lowest points and help them recover to be at one of their highest.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: To not stop. I see so many people who have been presented with a life-altering situation and give up on life, on hope, on everything. If you give up on what you’re trying to accomplish and you lose that sense of motivation, you lose everything.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: My motivation. It is the mentality that when I’m presented with a task, I don’t wait on the task, I act on it immediately.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: 100%. I don’t think I would’ve been the same person. Mindset is everything when it comes to tricky situations.

Allison Martin

Allison will graduate from Southampton High School this year.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means that my adversities have been acknowledged and it’s a way of getting back what I’ve gone through.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: Definitely my mom.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A; I work out, but mainly concentrate on my schoolwork and work at Food Lion.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: Daytona State College.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: I want to be nurse because it’s a way of helping people. I’ve been helped so much in my life by others and now I would like to give back to others.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: I would say to just keep pushing. You can’t depend on everyone else to support you, you have to learn to support yourself and self-motivate.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: I would say determination. Most of the time, when I’m faced with something, I put my mind to it and I don’t like to give up. I like to complete what I start.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Absolutely! I’ve learned a lot about self -motivation. You can always get people to help you, but you are your biggest motivator.

Jose Martinez

Jose will graduate from Culpepper County High School this year.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means I am one step closer towards reaching my next goal. I am very thankful, because I know it wouldn’t be possible without support of others. It’s helping me get to where I want to be in the future.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: My mom. She got her cosmetology license in El Salvador and she always worked hard. I was always impressed when she studied again here. She has always done things the best that she can, so that inspires me to work hard and do my best.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I love listening to music, I like taking walks and hiking from time to time. I also enjoy watching television shows.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: I will be attending Emory University.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: I am thinking about majoring in Human Health and International Studies. Human Health would give me the requirements to be on track for a heath profession. I am thinking I want to minor in International Studies, to get some background experience. I am trying to become a dentist.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: Never give up and always look for other opportunities. There is always hope and, as long as you keep reaching out and trying hard, you will be able to accomplish what you strive for.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?</strong A: Perseverance. I came to the United States in 2012 and I didn’t know any English or anything about America. Through practicing language and trying hard every day I have been able to accomplish what I have. I feel like it’s a part of me. I try to complete things when I start them. Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
Yes. I think that I’ve gotten a more positive mindset and I am able to believe in myself more than I used to. Once you learn you can overcome challenges, you do, and you can realize your potential.

Marcellus Northington-Winston

Marcellus is a senior graduating from Hermitage High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means getting closer to my goal of funding my college career. It’s also full circle for me because, having grown up in Richmond, I’ve always seen Allen & Allen commercials. They’re a part of the community. Now I can be a part of that larger community and be more closely connected to Allen & Allen.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: There are a whole bunch of people – my family, grandmother, brothers and sisters, but my dad in particular.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: At the current moment, I’m restoring a pair of sneakers, but my biggest hobby is art. I love to paint.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: North Carolina Agricultural State University.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: Business and Marketing. I want to be a marketer or entrepreneur, but my goal in life is to start my own financial institution to help support and build minority and local businesses.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: I know saying perseverance is cliché but having tunnel vision and having an end goal you can self-actualize is important and helps a lot.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: I am definitely a people person! I’m able to talk to anyone in any given situation no matter who the person is or what they’re going through.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: It has not changed me - I am the same child I was – but it has motivated me to be a better person, community member, member of society and family member. It pushed me to perfect the best version of myself. Everything I do now I’ve always loved, but I now have a positive outlook on life for the better.

Emily Paris

Emily is a senior at Mills E. Godwin High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means that I don’t have to worry about financial problems. I will be able to achieve my dreams. It will help me to follow the career path to helping others who are going through similar things as I have gone through.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: My grandparents. They have pushed me to do what I have done and are always there to support me.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: I really like music. I play piano. I also like to workout, spend time with the kids at my job, and I spend a lot of time at church!

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: Virginia Commonwealth University.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: Sociology. I either want to become a family lawyer or family counselor.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
A: There is a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how hard it gets. There is a bright side and your work pays off in the end.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: My sense of humor. It helps me get along with people I don’t know well, even if I don’t agree with them.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: It definitely has changed me. It has put me on a path to success because I’m more mature than other people my age and it has allowed me to see the world in a different light.

Gregory Pray

Gregory will be graduating from North Stafford High School.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means that I’m one step closer to achieving my goals in life.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
My parents, because I’ve seen them both go through a lot and overcome it all.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
I like to draw and listen to music. I used to play a lot of saxophone and would like to get back into it!

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: Yes, Virginia Commonwealth University.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: I want to major in Biology to prepare me to go to medical school. I want to become a pediatrician. When I was first getting my diagnosis, no one really knew what I had was because I was so young. I had to go to so many doctors to figure it out. I want to be well-rounded and know how to treat patients with many types of diseases and conditions.

Q: What advice would you give younger students facing similar challenges as you?
I would say never give up whatever life throws at you. That’s just how life is, but remember you are only given what you can handle.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: My determination, because, if I set my mind to something, I’m not going to stop working to achieve that goal no matter how hard it will be to achieve.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle like you have has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: They made me a stronger person because now I know what I’m capable of and what I can work for going forward.

Annmarie Sewell

Annmarie will graduate from Louisa County High School this year.

Q: What does receiving this scholarship mean to you?
A: It means a lot to me. I have been struggling with paying for college. Things are difficult for me, but receiving this scholarship means that I can continue with my education and not worry as much. It’s an honor to be selected out of many applicants and be honored for what I’ve gone through.

Q: Is there someone in your life that has inspired you to achieve your goals?
A: Definitely my mom. She’s my biggest inspiration, she’s obviously been through what I’ve been through, and more, and she still pushes me every day to work my hardest and keep going.

Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: Art. I also like hanging out with friends, going outside and hiking.

Q: Where will you be attending college next year?
A: I’m going to Piedmont Virginia Community College and then transferring to the University of Virginia.

Q: Have you decided on a major? If so, do you have any specific career plans?
A: Psychology. I want to become an art therapist.

Q: What do you consider your strongest character trait?
A: I’m very empathetic. I am good at understanding other people’s feelings and trying to help them with that.

Q: Do you feel that overcoming an obstacle, like you have, has changed you? What lessons have you learned along the way?
A: Oh yes, definitely. It’s made me the person I am today, made me stronger and able to help others. It’s also made me experience things and it’s inspired me to be the person I want to be. I want to help others who have gone through what I have and help them realize they will make it and be okay.